The noted conservative and former Solicitor General for George W. Bush has powerfully defended gay marriage as a constitutional right.
by Charlie Leck
One of my readers (and a follower) alerted me to the Ted Olson interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News. Olson is a noted and respected conservative and his strong statement is going to have some impact. A Californian, Olson is working to defend the California Supreme Court ruling that Prop VIII, which denies the right for gays to marry, is unconstitutional. Their intention is to make sure the U.S. Supreme Court upholds the ruling that struck down California’s law. Olson is a graduate of the University of the Pacific and UC Berkeley School of Law. It was Olson who successfully argued the case of Bush v. Gore before the U.S. Supreme Court, which ended the recount of Florida ballots in the 2000 presidential election. Here’s a Wikipedia account of Olson’s accomplishments and stature within the conservative movement.
You should really listen to Olson's amazingly convincing and compelling arguments in this FOX interview. His strong voice may turn the tide on this issue among some conservatives. If you go to this web site, you’ll also have the opportunity to send your thanks to Olson and the American Foundation for Equal Rights for this strong statement [watch the Ted Olson interview].
Courage Campaign Equality has posted 4 remarkable videos that testify to the importance of marriage among gays and lesbians. I was especially touched by the one narrated by Barry Wally about his daughter's marriage vows and how much that meant to him. Those of you sitting on the fence on this issue of gay marriage may very well be swayed by Ted Olson's interview and these touching videos.
Friday, 13 August 2010 (10:40 A.M. CDT)
Some added background
It was on 4 August that Judge Vaughn Walker ruled that the Proposition 8, a voter initiative that prohibited marriages other than between a man and a woman, was unconstitutional. He said that it violated the equal protection and due process rights of gay and lesbian couples who wanted to marry. In his ruling, the judge ordered the state to stop complying with and enforcing the ban on gay marriage.
Now the judge has set 18 August as the date the state would begin marrying gays who properly apply for such marriages. That delay was to give time for properly certified officials to appeal his ruling.
Both Governor Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Jerry Brown have announced they will not appeal the ruling and will not seek a stay of the ruling. It appears that private citizens will not be able to file an appeal unless they can show that they would in someway be harmed by the ruling.
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