Go take a look at OLD PICTURE OF THE DAY and see if you can appreciate the amount of work it must take to produce it!
by Charlie Leck
I won’t go on and on here. I’m just going to send you to a blog so you can, perhaps, have the same experience I had. I found it incredible and wondered how anyone could be so devoted to a blog and do that much work.
It’s produced by a fellow in west Texas who calls himself PJM. Every day he presents quite extraordinary old photographs. Usually he adds a paragraph or two of explanation, insight or thoughts that were spurred by the images. Other times he goes on with page after page of historical explanation and insight.
The day’s blogs seem always well done. PJM writes well and he’s interesting.
Visiting this blog every day, as I nearly always do, is not a bad way to spend a few minutes of your time.
As an example, the photograph in the heading is from one of my favorite on-line galleries of old photos: The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, at Yale University. Imagine being able to take this photo and understand the context and innuendo behind its title: “What is it I want, John Henry?” Such an explanation is what PJM does for you every day.
Go ahead and try it – you just might like it: OLD PICTURE OF THE DAY!
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Thanks for the link. Happy New Year!