Photo by Ibrahim Lujaz (from Wikimedia.org) and used with permission.
If you might want to give me a Christmas gift, here’s an idea for you!
by Charlie Leck
Okay, you haven’t really been burning up the wires, trying to figure out what it is I’d appreciate as a Christmas gift, but I’ll give you an idea anyway.
Give me a little sunlight… really!
I’m being really clever this morning. Don’t you think so? There's a really worthy organization called the Sunlight Foundation that would profit greatly if you would make a donation of even just a few bucks. Sunlight is coming down to the wire on a matching grant of $500,000 that requires they come up with 1,500 small, individual donors by the end of the year. They still have about 150 to go.
I’m unabashedly asking you to go to the Sunlight Foundation web site, click on the donation button and make even a very small donation to help the organization make its goal. I’ll consider it a Christmas gift if you do and I’ll really appreciate it.
Here’s what Sunlight does for us…
You want to make government more transparent?
Sunlight helps us see better – to better see into government and to understand exactly what it is government is doing that they might not like us to understand. Like, do you want to find out who is behind all the big money in politics? Sunlight lets you see! You wanna clear pic of how government is really spending our money? Okay, go to Clear Spending and Sunlight will allow you to look inside and get just that info! How about finding out who the really big lobbyists are in Washington? Throw a little Sunlight on it! I’ve only brushed the surface, friends – really! You’ll be able to see how extensive the Sunshine is, and how much light they shed on things, if you take a look at their web site.
Honest to god, this is an important foundation doing work that is important to both of us – to you and to me! I really want to see them get this very well deserved grant. You can help by giving them a little bit of dough – just a little even!
And you’ll make me a happy man and I’ll be all smiles on Christmas morning. Please, give to the Sunlight Foundation.
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This is the third time I've tried to post a comment. I don't know why I'm having so much trouble. Anyway I took you up on your suggestion ( hope it went through). Merry Christmas!