We visited two of the grandkids last week!
by Charlie Leck
We traveled to Chicago last week. Anne was involved in a continuing education program. We decided to make a vacation out of it – something we really haven't had in quite some time (at least, one by ourselves). Anne made the arrangements and decided to treat us to first class air travel, a private car from the airport, a suite at the hotel and some delectable privacy. The hotel, just a block off Michigan Avenue (the Magnificent Mile) was very elegant and extremely comfortable. We enjoyed four nights there. We had a grand time getting to know some of the wonders of Chicago, an extremely fabulous city with which to acquaint one's self.
Chicago is a very livable city and one can see why so many residential units are being built immediately downtown. We had the pleasure of visiting one condo unit that looked out over Lake Michigan and, slightly to the left, the recently remodeled Soldiers Field. Small shops, like grocers and hardware stores, abound and have a friendly and helpful attitude. And, as you know, there are dining establishments of every type and sort throughout the vast city.
Anne enjoyed the pleasant, daily, 6 block walk up Michigan Avenue and then the short stroll to the East to Northwestern University's Chicago campus. Of course, during the day, while Anne was in class, I taxied to Union Station and took the Metra Train out south to spend the day with my daughter and grandkids. What a treat! I wish I could see them more. Like any proud grandpa, I had my camera along and shot some wonderful photographs. And, like any pompous grandpappy, I've assumed you'd be interested and included a couple of them here for you to look over.
In the evenings, Anne and I wandered up and down Rush Street and Wacker Avenue, looking at all the folks enjoying Chicago's lively night-life. We found some terrific places to dine. Chicago "at night" is just an extraordinary place. Not that I'm any great judge, but I find it a better night life city than Las Vegas, New Orleans, San Francisco and Boston. Only New York offers more choices.
Refreshed, and with this vacation time behind me, tomorrow I will write more seriously – about the great divide in Christianity and about how it is nothing new. It began only a few years after Jesus died. It continues.
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