Thursday, August 4, 2016

Donald Trump is Making Massive Mistakes

About Donald Trump’s campaign, Dana Milbank wrote a day ago: “The act is wearing thin!” I think Milbank is correct.
by Charlie Leck

The President went after Trump pretty hard yesterday, saying the man is not fit – not qualified – to be President of the United States. Now mind you, 55% of Americans believe that Obama has done a good job. Less than 40 percent thinks he’s done a bad job. This is one of the highest approval ratings in the last 50 years. What he’s saying about the Donald will damage the Republican presidential effort.

Hillary Clinton is raising a great deal of money and well over 54 percent of voters surveyed indicate they’ll vote for her. Trump’s approval rating is less than 40 percent.

Here's why Trump's in trouble...

Donald Trump continues to give Vladimir Putin a thumbs-up even though he showed on television this past weekend that he doesn’t have the slightest idea what the hell is going on over there. Trump’s positions on Russia and NATO are hurting him and costing him votes.

Donald Trump is giving Republican leadership people a lot of criticism. He’s refused to endorse the very popular John McCain in his reelection bid in Arizona. He also hasn’t indicated any support for the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan.

Trump is also bitching about the coming debates with Hillary, claiming the Democrats have fixed it so they’ll be on TV on poor nights when the viewing competition with be very difficult. Lots of people are wondering if Donald Trump is starting to build a case for getting out of the debates.

Trump made a terrible mistake this past week for criticizing the Muslim speaker at the Democratic convention who talked about losing his son, an American soldier in the Middle East. It was a tragic and farcical position that Trump took. He simply doesn’t know when to shut his big mouth.

It appears that the Donald is in a state of panic. He’s claiming now that the election will be rigged and they’re up against cheaters.

On top of all this, Trump is having certain reporters and news organizations banned from seating at his campaign appearances. He doesn’t understand the concept of a free press. It will look bad for the Donald if he continues such childish behavior.

Trump has also expressed some sympathy and support for Roger Ailes, who was recently fired over at Fox News for strong sexual advances toward several women reporters. It’s an amazing thing to do for a guy who has somehow got to win women over to him if he wants any hope of winning this election. And the popular Fox News reporter, Gretchen Carlson, who hammered Roger Ailes for his unwanted advances against her, has now come out against Trump. Fox against Trump? If that happens it would be the final nail in the coffin.

Robert Kagan, a senior fellow at the highly respected Brookings Institute, has called Trump irrational. Such people might pick fights they can’t win and never realize the impossibility of the fight and then just keep going on and on and on. Such is Trump’s fight against the “the grieving Gold Star mother.” Kagan says that “the man cannot control himself…” And, Kagan goes on: “What’s more, his psychological pathologies are ultimately self destructive.” Kagan makes a good point when he calls Trump “childish.” I can see it more and more in Trump. He has uncontrollable temper-tantrums.

“Imagine such a person as president,” Kagan says. He carefully points out that this is not a strategy, but a defect in Trump’s character – a personality defect. Imagine a president, in the White House, wish such a deficiency!

Trump has shown himself, during the last 10 days, to be a lousy political candidate; and he is more and more showing himself to be a lousy, out-of-balance human being.

If you’re thinking of the possibility of supporting Donald Trump in the coming election, get a grip on yourself. Even if you do not at all like Hillary Clinton, take a harder, longer look at the man who is the alternative choice. Donald Trump is clearly a scoundrel. I cannot quite believe rational and decent people would support his effort to move into the White House if they understand this.


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