Tuesday, March 18, 2014

If Plato Tweeted

tweet or post on Facebook, that is the question! Whether ‘tis nobler of mind or…. Enough already! What kind of Klout have you got?
by Charlie Leck
A friend called a New York Times column to my attention and I thank her exuberantly for the recommendation: What Would Plato Tweet? It’s by Rebecca Newberger Goldstein and makes for wonderful reading. I recommend it to you…
Lunching with a friend in a Manhattan restaurant, Goldstein realizes how far behind the times she has gotten as she looks around and sees other diners taking their cell phone photographs of their food and tweeting messages to all their followers about where they are living it up big, and taking mobile calls from friends who want to know what that is they are eating. She admits that she’s been too busy pouring over the great mysteries of Ancient Greece and she’ll catch up on these techie revolutions once she’s got that (the mysteries) figured out.
Like us, the Greeks wanted to make their lives matter. And like a Twitter user, they did so by courting the attention of other mortals.”
Goldstein cleverly and intelligently mingles a peek into the cultures of the ancient Greeks and the ancient Hebrews, who were down the Mediterranean a ways, into this column about how we might matter as intelligent people. Some of her comments about the dimming of theism in our current time were absolutely intriguing.
The writer is a witty one, that’s for sure. While spilling humor along the way, she gives us plenty to think about in our current, dizzying days.
She’s a good writer – this lady – and this is one column you should read – it’ll only take 5 minutes out of your life (and, if you’re clever, you’ll be able to find it on your iPhone as you sit drinking your second latté of the day.
Then give me some idea about what your Klout Level is, will you! Mine is exceedingly low.


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1 comment:

  1. It's all Greek to me. Just kidding. I was in my Tweet mode.
