I bumped into the former governor in the grocery store and we chatted amicably until I asked a sensitive question.
by Charlie Leck
Met former Republican Governor in the grocery store the other day: Arne was a great friend of mine back before his gubernatorial days. And, I worked for Arne for a short period of time on a special project.
We chatted for a few moments in the store aisles about personal matters. Then I turned to the matter of our state’s shut-down and what could be done about it. Arne was suddenly too busy to chat and had to move on – “no comment,” in other words. There would be no scoop for this blog.
Later in the day the formal announcement came that the former Governor and former Vice President of the United States, Walter Mondale, had formed a committee of distinguished and qualified citizens to look at the political problem between the two major parties that prevented them from getting a budget passed. Seemed like a great idea to me!
The current Governor welcomed the idea.
The legislators on the Republican side are bellowing loudly against taking advice from such a group. They are totally negative about this group trying to make suggestions.
That’s the mood among Republicans today. By God, they’re simply going to have it their way or there will be “no way!”
Minnesotans need to put pressure on them. If your legislator is a Republican contact him/her and tell them to encourage the committee and not discourage it.
Carlson is a good man for this job. He distinguished himself as a Governor during hard times in this state. He has a sharp brain and sensitive political mind. He won’t participate on the committee but he had great success in bringing in some of the best people in the state to assist.
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