Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What Every Child Should Learn

Elaine Bransford, an advanced placement literature teacher at the St. Croix Peparatory Academy, wrote a brilliant piece in this morning’s local paper: Learning Life from Pages (What every graduate can gain from their high school English classes!)
by Charlie Leck

My, it was wonderful. Ms. Bransford lists ten (10) things she’d like every student to learn. Though, I’ll only pass on to you two (2) of them here, I think you’d enjoy bringing the column up on-line and reading all ten. These are the kinds of things we’d like our children and grandchildren to learn as they mature.

(1)  “You should know that the world is wide, and while you are an important part of it, you are not the center of it.”
 (10) “You should understand that the relationship between happiness and fun is a complicated one.”

The remaining ones are as delightfully good and make a wonderful guide for a parent or teacher. I really hope you’ll read them all. This is a very, very wise column. I thank Ms. Bransford for writing it.

Geez, I hope many, many parents read this column this morning. Even old goats, like I, can learn some important things from it that we’ve probably forgotten along the way to here.

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