Chris is on the box with her husband, Paul, who is driving the coach
they purchased from us last year. The photograph was taken on a
trip they made to Belgium.
I must share this little, lovely bit of French with you!
by Charlie Leck
Yesterday, a Facebook friend posted a wonderful, little rhyme in French. I was very taken by it and I offer you her translation, which, unfortunately, does not rhyme.
Thanks, Chris!
by Charlie Leck
Yesterday, a Facebook friend posted a wonderful, little rhyme in French. I was very taken by it and I offer you her translation, which, unfortunately, does not rhyme.
L'absence est à l'amour ce qu'au feu est le vent: il éteint le petit et ravive le grand...I liked that so much that it went immediately into my quotations notebook and somewhere, sometime, I’ll use it. For now, though, I wondered why I shouldn’t just share it with my blog readers.
(English): Absence does to love what wind does to fire: it kills the weak and kindles the strong...
Thanks, Chris!
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