This is my slow cooker out on our 'barbecue deck' on 5 April 2009.
Perhaps we should call it our 'snow cooker.'
Minnesota Twins Open Season Tomorrow in Seattle
by Charlie Leck
Next year the Minnesota Twins will again be playing ball outside. Can you imagine?
The photos included with this blog will show you what it is like this morning, 5 April 2009. Next April the Twins' beautiful new outdoor baseball park -- Target Field -- will be ready to go and everyone is dreaming about opening day in the new stadium.
Twins officials assure us that they've thought of the weather problems that are pretty unique to Minnesota compared to other major league baseball cities.
"We're planning to play the first six games on the road," said one of the head honchos in the Twins managment assembly.
"Okay, den! Dat's just great," as we say here in MinnesOOtuh!
"We see you der, at da ballpark den!"

that leads down to our farm.
So, next year, the Twins plan to open a week later than tomorrow. You can 'bet the farm' that means great, balmy baseball weather for everyone concerned.
"Ya, you betcha den!"
I'll take some photographs next Monday, too, and give you the straight skinny on the weather.
In the meantime, let's all sing together... "Take me out to duh ball game..."
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