Tuesday, December 13, 2011

6 November 2012

former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, the media-anointed Republican nominee of this electoral cycle, has in fact been running for president since at least 2006. It's been his only real “job” since leaving the governorship in 2008. In his life, he is now the embodiment of the perpetual candidate, and yet even those who make him the butt of endless TV jokes don’t find that fact strange or particularly worthy of comment.

Yes, though I know it’s difficult for you to believe, the presidential election is less than a year away!
by Charlie Leck

Are you ready for some...(hold note for several seconds)……………………..
political campaigning?

Oh, my goodness! It’s almost time to clang loudly on the bell and bring the fighters to the center of the ring. The referee will inspect the fighters’ gloves and examine their boxing trunks. Then he’ll give the instructions: “No hitting below the belt! No clinching and no hitting the back of your opponent’s head. No hitting a man who is down or helpless on the ropes. Let’s have a nice clean fight! Touch your gloves now and come out fighting when the bell rings!”

The Washington Post estimates that the President is spending and will spend 12 percent of his time in fund raising and campaigning in the 24 months before the election.

George Romney is unemployed. So, he’ll be able to spend a much greater part of his working time than that on his presidential campaign if he gets the endorsement. I’m still predicting he will. As Tom Englehart says on one of his recent blogs...

"...former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, the media-anointed Republican nominee of this electoral cycle, has in fact been running for president since at least 2006. It's been his only real 'job' since leaving the governorship in 2008. In his life, he is now the embodiment of the perpetual candidate, and yet even those who make him the butt of endless TV jokes don’t find that fact strange or particularly worthy of comment."

More money will be spent on the coming campaign than any in history – even if you level the value of the dollar over the nation’s history. Perhaps, a billion dollars will be spent on the 2012 presidential campaign.

I promise you, you’re going to get the best president money can buy!

Ain’t it a great country?


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1 comment:

  1. I'll bet $10000 of Romney's money that Newt will be the nominee.
