Life is so much more than most of us ever discover; and there is so much wisdom and creativity in the human mind than we can believe.
by Charlie Leck
One of my readers (and followers) sent along a link to an extraordinary video about The Living Bridge. It is less than five minutes long and thoroughly intriguing. It’s about a wild river in Indian that seasonally grows insane, angry and uncrossable and disrupts the rural economy of the areas’ inhabitantants. The ancients discovered a solution and contemporaries use it also.
If you have five minutes to relax and sit back, I think you’ll find the video entirely interesting. Thanks, Lynn, for sending it along.
You can view it at this very safe website: http://www.snotr.com/video/7331/The_Living_Bridge
I hope my regulars have noticed how diligently I have avoided the current political squabbles and impasses that exist in Washington. Don’t think they don’t make my blood boil. How much longer I can go on before a huge rant breaks out is questionable. The nation crumbles while the Republicans hold firm to their vow to bring down President Obama whatever the costs to do so.
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