Chicagoans call in The Bean. It's real name is Cloud Gate!
You know, we ought to have plenty of money to educate our kids and provide wonderful health care to everyone if only we spent our money more wisely!
by Charlie Leck
I watched a terrific video called The Story of Broke. It’s right-on and explains exactly where all the money goes that we send to the U.S. Government. I found it where I find so much really interesting and creative stuff – on the Open Culture web site.
I really recommend that you take the 8 minutes required to watch this very clear and well produced video. I’ve put it right here on this blog so you can easily begin watching.
Be aware that the federal government collected 2.16 trillion dollars in tax revenues in 2010. Geez, Louise! We oughta be able to get by on that! The video explains what happens to the dough and what could happen to it if it was spent correctly
When you finish watching it, you could also take a look at this production’s predecessor, a terrific little video called The Story of Stuff. In case you’re interested, I’ve included it below.
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