Or you might like to view this video review of Hannah and Her Sisters!
by Charlie Leck
If you want to spend some time during your day viewing serious and happy video – news video and general interest video – I wonder if there is any source richer than the New York Times on-line video department.
For the moment, one can get into this department and watch a bucket-load of interesting video for no charge. That is liable and likely to change, so enjoy it while you can.
For instance you can watch a video review of the Woody Allan movie, Hannah and Her Sisters. It’s spectacular and makes you want to get out to see the film right now! On Saturday we’re going to see the new Muppet Movie. Can’t wait! Grandma is extremely excited. The New York Times has a very sweet video of Kermie and Bret McKenzie (one of the film’s song writers) singing one of the cute songs from the movie, Life’s a Happy Song! (“Life’s a piece of pie, with someone to wash and someone to dry!... Life’s a piece of pie when there’s someone by your side to sing along!”)
Then, this may sound like a change from the light and enjoyable to the deadly serious, but it’s not: If you want to watch a very intriguing video about the Kennedy assassination (posted on the 22 November) then take 6 minutes to watch The Umbrella Man. How very, very interesting; and how beautifully narrated by Errol Morris. I think you’ll thank me.
Now there! I’m not going to ruin your Thanksgiving weekend by dragging you through the Tuesday night Republican candidates’ debate (oh, how awful!) and I’m not going to abhor you with discussions of renewed revolution in Egypt or financial crisis in Europe.
If you’ve got some time in front of your monitor, take a peek at these two or three charming videos – yes, charming!
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