So the young revolutionists in Egypt wanted a democracy! So, where is it?
by Charlie Leck
So, what’s happening in Egypt? Do any of you also wonder about this question? A revolution supposedly took place.
Where’s the constitutional convention to write a new people’s democratic constitution for Egypt?
Where are the announcements about free and open elections?
Many of the revolutionists are now calling for executions of former government leaders – without, mind you, fair trials. Is that different than than it was before?
Where is the international press on this? Why do we suddenly get no more information about Egypt? They’ve moved on to the next hot spot – to those places where there is violence and mayhem – because these new places make for better stories.
They Egyptians are now finding out that democracies don’t just happen. They must be built by hard, pain-staking and intelligent work.
Many times here, I’ve touted OPEN CULTURE as one of the best and most helpful and educational web sites on the entire Internet. I go to it regularly to seek information that I can’t find in the traditional media. Recently they featured some mighty fine video and information about Egypt’s struggles with creating a democracy and the dangers that it will recede into just another dictatorship that this time will be controlled by the military. I suggest you spend time with this information about Egypt on OPEN CULTURE (Phoenix Still Rising: Egypt after the Revolution).
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