Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bingle, Bangle, Bungle

Minnesota's Supreme Court finally speaks up!
by Charlie Leck

As I write this, the talking heads are going wild. Here in Minnesota the Franken/Coleman issue has almost reached at orgasmic level.

The State Supreme Court issued an opinion on the matter today and said that Al Franken "deserves to be seated."

Is that an order, telling the Governor of this state to issue a certificate of election that can be delivered to the secretary of the U.S. Senate? As Will Shakespeare, from up near Lake Wobegon, might say: "That, my dear Odipitus, is the question!"

Are you the legal type who would like to read the court's actual decision? If you are, here you are: You can read it here!

Minnesota Highest court refers to the decision of a panel that it appointed to review the election and decide the winner: "...Franken received 312 more legally cast votes than Coleman and that Franken was entitled to a certificate of election for the office of United States Senator."

The opinion of the court then states, quite simply: "We affirm!"

Those are the words Al Franken and his legal team were hoping for and, as far a Minnesota is concerned, settles the matter.

Therefore, the Governor should, ought to, and is obligated to issue a certificate of election; however, you should not hold your breath. Sit back, relax, have a cup of coffee each day, read the Dos Pasos trilogy and then see how the whole thing unfolds.
My phone has been ringing off the hook with those of you who want to congratulate me and claiming that it was my blog of two days ago that finally rattled the Supreme Court out of its slumber and had them at last write a decision and issue it to us. In all modesty I have to say: "Oh, come on guys!"

You can read MAYBE I'VE GOT A NEW TARGET FOR MY RAGE by clicking here!

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